WATCH: Doom Gets Infused on Press X To Get High
Video game series DOOM get’s infused on this weeks Live Stream of Press X To Get High

Press X To Get High Infuse Doom on this week’s episode
On this week’s episode of Press X To Get High host gamers Jake Reimer, Ben 64 and Logan celebrate the entirety of the DOOM catalog. The boys decide to infuse and pay homage in anticipation of DOOM: Eternal, which is set to release March 20th 2020 on Bethesda Games.
The crew closed out the show by continuing their ongoing walk through of N64’s Zelda: Ocarina of Time and if you’ve been keeping up, this retro gaming walkthrough entices constant hilarity.
Watch PXTGH Here:
Watch Press X to get High – Episode 54 from HigherMentality420 on
Highlights include:
- Jake blowing a simple jump in Ocarina of time. Heckling ensues.
- The X-Team invents a dollar store Pokemon called “Bakegotch”
- “Chucapeeg” is the star “Bakegotch”
- Ben 64 pulls a fast one on Jake
About DOOM!
Press X To Get High Infuse Doom
Featured snippet from the internet
“Doom is a first-person shooter originally released in 1993 and was developed by id Software for MS-DOS. Players assume the role of a space marine, popularly known as “Doomguy”, who fights demons from Hell.
Along with its predecessor Wolfenstein 3D, Doom helped define the FPS genre and inspired numerous similar games and is frequently cited as one of the greatest games of all time. Doom’s graphic violence made it a subject of controversy. ”
Learn more about DOOM: Eternal at Bethesda Games
About ZELDA: Ocarina of Time
Press X To Get High continue their Zelda walk through on this week’s episode
Featured snippets from the web
“The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998) is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64. Zelda. It is the fifth game in The Legend of Zelda series.
Ocarina of Time received widespread acclaim and has been cited as one of the greatest video games of all time. The game sold seven million copies worldwide. Ocarina of Time is the highest-rated game on Metacritic and the second highest-rated on GameRankings.
Ocarina of Time was re-released as part of the The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition in 2011.”
About Press X to Get High
Every Wednesday you’ll find Press X to Get High hosts Jake Reimer, Chris Logan and Ben Pelletier squished together on a couch live streaming on Higher Mentality’s Twitch channel.
Tune in and watch the trio laugh and cough their way through a new lo-fi take on the “variety show” format. An array of colourful characters and guests cover topics like; gaming news, Marvel movies, Japanese anime, and Sativa-dominant hybrids. Their stoned commentary offers deep insight with gems like “0/10 throw it in the trash” or “this game is for people who drink light beer” which keeps their active audience laughing, engaged and chatting along. After one session, you’ll see mediocrely playing video games and passing around massive joints live on the internet is what these three lifelong friends were born to do.
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