To start of Vessel has one of the longest lasting batteries in the game. This has one of the perks that has made it really nice to use. Unlike most batteries, I don’t need to recharge it half way through the work day. The battery was able to last 48 hours with moderate to heavy use. It was nice to finally not have to worry about wether the battery was going to last me through the night. I also don’t have to get mad when i’m sting watching it recharge every 5 minuets like I did with my old batteries.
The vessel battery uses a compact, premium 240mAh battery core. The power band (2.8V / 3.2V / 3.6V) delivers a better tasting and fulfilling experience. Oils tend to taste better on lower temperature settings as it is able to to preserve terpene profiles as well as deliver the best taste and sensation.
For those of you who remember when vapes were blowing up in peoples pocket, the Vessel battery won’t do that. Like with most batteries now a days, it has a pull limit. This feature also is used to shut down the pen. IF you haven’t used the pen in 15 minuets, then the pen will automatically shut off. This helps preserve the battery life.