Going to Music Festivals Stoned Will Change Your Life!

It’s a great time of year when the food trucks come out, the music turns up, and the festivals start to begin.
There is nothing quite like the electric energy pulsing through the veins of music festival goers. The crowds are cheering, the smell of food is intoxicating, the music is bumping and that addicting rush brings everyone together. Just for a brief moment of time. If you have ever been to a festival before, then you know exactly what I am talking about. That crazy adrenaline – you feel like you can’t remember being so happy! And seriously, it’s not the weed talking.
However, marijuana really does enlighten the whole experience. So we put together your HigherGuide to Music Festivals.
What to Use:

This phone case has an odor-free stash place for blunts and joint. via The Weedable
Now we do not promote sneaking in your product, but if there is a will there is away!
- Doob Tubes – great for storing your joint. It is smell proof, compact and comes in a variety of different forms. In fact, you can get ones that look like tampons!
- iHit – Part rolling tray, part storage unit, the iHit is a stash phone case designed to fit multiple models of the iPhone. It is odor free and can fit up to 5 joints.
- The Wand – at first you might think it’s a mascara or eyeliner but truthfully – it’s a sleek two-hitter for your favorite flower strain. It’s perfect for music festivals for a group of friends.
- Flashlight – everyone needs one of these for a festival anyways – so why not store your weed in it!
- Bras – for our female readers – Y’all know where you keep your phone, money, and lipstick on a night out. It is also perfect for hiding your weed. Bouncers and security aren’t allowed to touch you there.
- Other Marijuana Products: capsules, tinctures, oils, and edibles can be easier to use but remember they don’t always kick in right away.
Best Music Festivals for Cannabis Smokers
- Kabboo – Kabboo features world-class music, hilarious comedy, and inspiring contemporary art. In addition, there is gourmet cuisine with marijuana pairings.
- Riot Fest – Riot Fest specializes in rock, punk, alternative rock, and hip-hop. It has been popular for reunions, guest performances, and full album performances. They do not promote cannabis but it draws in that crowd.
- Life is Beautiful – Life is Beautiful takes over 18 blocks of the Vegas strip. It celebrates the beauty of ourselves and our surroundings. It is the perfect place for cannabis enthusiasts. Celebrates music, art. culture, and word.
- 420 – The day we can celebrate pretty much anywhere. There are tons of music festivals and events that happen. Or, you could host your own!
- Shambhala – Arguably the trippiest electronic festival on the planet happens in British Columbia, Canada
What Strains to Smoke
Green Crack has a sharp energy. It induces an invigorating mental buzz that keeps you going throughout the day. via Leafly
- Green Crack: not only delicious but high in energy. This euphoric sativa will keep you going from morning til night!
- Jack Herer: nothing better than seeing rock legends with a legendary sativa weed strain. It’s focused high will have you concentrated on the music and words.
- Sour Deisel: this super tasty sativa will keep you energized and uplifted. You may find yourself lost in the trace fo the music and energy.
- Blue God: this tasty blueberry hybrid is a perfect smoke for the end of the night. With cerebral effects, you will just feel laid back and spiritual.
- Trainwreck: hits like it sounds. So, may use this for when you’re ready for bed on that overnight festival camping trip. Catch up around the fire with friends and then knock out!
Aren’t Convinced?
So, you aren’t really feeling it still eh? But seriously, if you find a festival that has some of your favorite artists, and it seems unaffordable… I promise you! The ticket will be worth it.
- The Memories – creating memories with your friends – SnapChat, live stories, create videos to re-watch later.
- Socializing – whether it is with your friends or your meeting new people – there is never a dull moment for conversation.
- Great Make-up and Costumes – some events have themes or styles that come along with them. Get creative and have fun.
- Great Food and Drinks – the food trucks are literally the best and worst in food. Best tasting – wost for you. But it won’t be your everyday food. Get prepared for Icecream Churros and Chicken and Waffle Burgers!
- Awesome new artists – we may all go for the headliners but then we are surprised when new artists blow us away. And then you are one step ahead of the charts!
- Its fun – I swear! Music festivals will change your whole summer!