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Muscle and Joint Pain: These Two Topicals Will Come in Handy!

Kween Kannabis



cannabis topicals

New methods of cannabis consumption are bringing us further away from the notion that marijuana belongs solely in a bong or joint. Cannabis-infused topicals are becoming a new model for healing and pain relief.

Topicals are revolutionizing perceptions of marijuana with their accessibility, safety, and efficacy. In addition, it invites even the most unlikely patrons into the world of medical cannabis. In addition to THCCBD, THCA, and other cannabinoids, topical producers may also select ingredients and essential oils for additional relief. As a result, ingredients such as cayenne, wintergreen, and clove are also widely used.

Cannabis-infused lotions, salves, oils, sprays, and other transdermal methods of relief work by binding to a network of receptors called CB2. So, check below for two favorites for muscle and joint relief.

Receptra™ Targeted Topical

topicals cannabis

Receptra™ Targeted Topical is a cream that provides relief from muscle and joint pain. via CBD Reviews

Receptra attacks muscle and joint irritation with their creation, the Receptra™ Targeted Topical. Physically demanding lifestyles put our bodies through a lot of stress in our everyday life and that can limit performance. In addition, our bodies experience pain from age, overuse, and injury. With this topical, you can instantly fend off muscle and joint irritation, to keep your body in go mode! Grab it while you can ONLINE.


  • 400+mg CBD per 1.25 oz
  • Instantly targets muscle and joint irritation
  • Naturally scented with soothing jasmine and Ylang Ylang to relax your mind and body
  • Protects and strengthens skin
  • Non-toxic, non-addictive and non-psychoactive 

Recommended For: Those who need immediate relief from muscle and joint irritation resulting from active lifestyles. Whether your muscle and joint irritation is a result of a lifetime of physical exertion or a regular fitness routine, Receptra Targeted Topical will be your trusted total comfort.

BioCBD Plus™ Muscle & Joint Relief Topical Oil

cannabis topicals

Every BioCBD Plus™ product is more than just water-soluble CBD. All of our products feature a proprietary Ayurvedic blend of water-soluble cannabinoids, terpenes, and different Ayurvedic herbs. via BioCBD

BioCBD is setting a new standard for CBD topicals. Their belief is built on CBD not being the full answer. As a result, they combine CBD with all-natural ingredients to create fast-acting results. BioCBD Plus™ Topical Oil is scientifically formulated to penetrate deep into muscles and joints to go directly to the source of pain and discomfort.

This topical uses CBD oil derived from organically grown European hemp plants. In addition, it contains all of the synergistic cannabinoids, terpenes and other compounds of the original plant. Above all, at BioCBD Plus™, they believe in the superiority of using whole plant extracts over CBD isolates. Grab it while you can ONLINE.


  • Hemp Oil
  • Eucalyptus
  • Burseraceae
  • Ginger
  • Curcumin
  • White Willow Bark
  • CBD
Recommended for: minor muscle and joint pains. BioCBD Plus Muscle and Joint Relief Topical Oil are perfect for anyone looking for a natural approach to treating pain. In addition, it is highly recommended for those who suffer from cramps or chronic pain such as fibromyalgia or arthritis.

Wintergreen Dragon Rub by Dragon Elixir

Wintergreen Dragon Rub Topical

Wintergreen Dragon Rub Topical via DragonElixirs

Wintergreen Dragon Rub is an all-natural ingredients remedy for sore muscles and joint pain. Apart from cannabis, this rub contains wintergreen and rosemary essential oils, combined with organic coconut oil. This product can also help relieve migraines, treat minor burns and skin irritation.

What makes the Wintergreen Dragon Rub good for muscle and joint pain relief is the combination of ingredients. Similar to cannabis, rosemary also has an anti-inflammatory property, while the wintergreen plant has been used for thousands of years as a cure for sore muscles.

This rub can also help improve circulation, which is why it can be used on the head as well to help eliminate headaches.


Cannabis infused organic coconut oil

Wintergreen essential oil

Rosemary essential oil

Bee wax

Suitable for: treating muscle and joint pain, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, soothe skin rashes, treat burns

Comfort Balm by Restorative Botanicals


Comfort Balm

Comfort Balm via Restorative Botanicals


Comfort Balm is a fast-acting pain relief topical for muscle and joint pain created by Restorative Botanicals.

It comes in two different versions: the original and the advanced formula.

The original Comfort Balm contains naturally occurring phytochemicals from hemp combined with 7 different essential oils. The hemp oil is extracted from cannabis that originated from Colorado. The base of the product (apart from the hemp oils) is olive oil with added bee wax.

The Comfort Balm6 contains the same ingredients, the only difference being the concentration of the phytochemicals. As the name suggests, this balm has six times the amount of phytochemicals from hemp than the original Comfort Balm, hence providing quicker results.

Both product deeply penetrates the skin and provide a warming sensation. The company claims that these balms can provide users with long-lasting results.


Hemp oil

Arnica extract,

7 active essential oils

Olive oil

Bee Wax

Suitable for: joint and muscle pain relief and overall body comfort

Baba Salve by Omm Remedies

Baba Slave - Indian remedy

Baba Salve via Omm Remedies

This ancient Indian remedy created by Omm Remedies has a quite versatile list of uses. It is a combination of CBD oil, essential oils, and whole plants. Baba Salve can provide pain relief not only for muscle and joint pain, but also for many other conditions such as a migraine, period cramps, and bug bites. This rub is also suitable for people who have eczema since it has strong soothing properties.



Organic Coconut Oil

Organic Beeswax

Shea Butter



Vitamin E


Organic Essential Oil

Suitable for: Migraines, Menstrual Cramps, Deep Muscle Pain, Joint Stiffness, Arthritis, Inflammation, Swelling, Minor Abrasions, Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Bug Bites

Raw Cannabis Balm by Awakened Topicals

Raw Cannabis Balm

Raw Cannabis Balm via Awakened Topicals

Raw Cannabis Balm is the winner for best topical in the Emerald Cup. Created by Awakened Topicals, this products can provide an effective joint and muscle pain relief. The ration between CBD and THC is 1:1, yet the formula is still non-psychotropic.

Created with all natural ingredients, this topical rub will give you deep muscle pain relief. It is gentle to the skin, so it is suitable for use even by those with a very sensitive skin. The main difference between this rub and most of the others is that the Raw Cannabis Balm uses the whole cannabis plant.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Candelilla Wax

Whole Plant Cannabis

Whole Leaf Aloe Vera

Calendula Flowers

Myrrh Gum Resin

Frankincense Resin

Jojoba Oil

St. John’s Wort

Vitamin E Oil

Essential Oils of Lavender and Vetiver

Suitable for: Joint and muscle pain, inflammations

Synergy Cool by DixieElixirs

Synergy Cool

Synergy Cool via DixieElixirs

DixieElixirs is a company that offers a wide array of products, anything from edible such as gummy bears, mints, tarts and chocolates to topicals and tablets.

This particular topical, the Synergy Cool balsam contains both THC and CBD at an equal ratio. Still, this balm is non-psychotropical and has no effects like THC would through oral consumption or smoking.

The Synergy Cool balm contains a blend of essential oils, including mint that provides the cooling sensation. It is not only beneficial for muscle soreness, but also for keeping your skin looking youthful.



Cocoa Butter

Menthol Crystals,

Over 20 essential oils



Suitable for: Hydrating damaged skin, muscle cramps, itching and irritation, promoting blood flow, skin repair and rejuvenation

Rub by Whoopi and Maya

Rub Medical Cannabis Body Balm

Rub Medical Cannabis Body Balm by Whoopi and Maya

Coming from the company founded by Whoopi Goldberg, Rub by Whoopi and Maya is a medical cannabis balm developed mainly for menstrual cramps. However, this product can also be used for other types of pain such as muscle and joint pain due to the properties of cannabis to battle inflammation and provide relief from pain. The rub is created by mixing different plants which are known to have healing properties and its base is bee wax.

Apart from being effective on menstrual pain, this balm is effective for all menstrual cycle related issues such as period cramps and back pain, PMS, back pain etc.


Olive oil

Avocado seed oil

Apricot kernel oil

Jojoba oil


Sun grown cannabis flowers

St John’s Wort

Cramp Bark

White Willow Bark


Essential oils

Suitable for: muscle and joint pain, menstrual and PMS related pain, as well as general body aches.

As you can see, these medical cannabis topicals can be quite beneficial for your health and they can be a quick and easy solution to sore muscles and painful joints. All of these products are deep absorption products meaning that they are able to tackle the painful areas efficiently. So next time when you are tempted to reach for the painkillers, consider trying one of these instead.

As an extra, check out what conditions medical cannabis can treat!

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