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Meet the World’s Greatest Joint Roller




the world's greatest joint roller

Tony Greenhand gets paid $7,000 to roll joints. But these are not your traditional hippie-sticks. His work is one-of-a-kind.

Tony Greenhand is the world’s greatest joint roller. From a stoner to a sought-after creator, Greenhand has transformed his rolling gift from cannabis culture to high art. Greenhand has a strong personal brand that is making its way across Instagram.



Check out the fully smokeable creation below.

A portrait of @brianwaterberry_official #gucciberry #creativerolling 😆

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His ability to mold marijuana and papers has transformed him into a bright spot within the growing cannabis community. Once contained in a subculture, Greenhand is a driving force behind the movement of professional rollers.

He is seen as a pioneer in the industry. To learn more, check out the video below:

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