The Whole Gang teams up to take on Amazon Prime’s new mature superhero show, The Boys! Also their reactions to the first trailer for the Zombie...
With timing that is so appropriate that it seems like it’s part of the MCU, the culmination of 22 films, Avengers: Endgame, surpassed Avatar as the...
After taking a few days to catch up, here’s a look at some highlights of trailers shown at the San Diego Comic Con: IT: CHAPTER...
Over the weekend, a video was released to South Park’s YouTube channel to seemingly poke fun at corporate weed retailer, Med Men. The hilarious hit job...
Before Marvel created the MCU and thrust shared cinematic universes into the limelight, director, comedian, writer, producer, actor, podcaster and professional fan boy, Kevin Smith was...
On this week’s episode of Puff Digital’s Into The Weeds Podcast, Efrem & Ben set up at Programme Skate & Sound – a shop co-owned by...
San Diego Comic-Con 2019 is here and the whole gang reacts to the latest news highlights and trailers including Cats, Watchmen, Picard, The Witcher, It Chapter...
With CannTrust still struggling to find their footing after last week’s debacle involving product produced in five unlicensed grow rooms being released to market, the situation...