The Vietnam War drove thousands of American draft dodgers into Canada — cannabis culture thrived as a result. Vietnam Draft Dodgers are widely regarded as “one...
How many of these classic weed moments do you remember? Let’s be honest here; stoner movies are the best kind of comedies. There have been so...
Hey, the first person to drink milk, what were you thinking, buddy?? Sometimes I wonder how certain things came to be. For example, I can recall...
MedMen was hands down the most impressive dispensary I’ve ever seen. It was a flat-out marijuana store. A few weeks ago, I was in Los Angeles...
Toronto is a vibrant 420 friendly mecca, with a ton of cannabis-friendly activities to do around the city. Canada’s largest city holds the worlds largest marijuana...
I dreamt the ending to ‘Game Of Thrones’ so none of us need to watch anymore; here’s what happens. According to scientific research, smoking marijuana is supposed...
Here’s what happened when I got super baked and saw Weird Al Yankovic perform live. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say something that...
Yep, you heard it right! Watch Jimmy Kimmel bust some stoners on live TV during the Academy Awards! One of the highlights of last night’s 90th Academy...
A collection of cannabis-fueled tweets to brighten up your day and have you giggling like you ate an edible. Tweets can either be a gift or...
In the world of professional mixed martial arts, athletes who test positive for cannabis use experience harsh consequences. Fighters are routinely subject to drug screenings from the US...
It is no surprise to us, that will the move of legalization that celebrities are coming out and making some noise! Michael Jackson’s 19-year-old daughter is...