Cannabis Lube from Miss Envy Review with Boob Ross
Our ladies Boob Ross and Katy got to experience a little bit of arousal from the Miss Envy Canna Sutra lube.
Maybe you want to spice up your sex life or your sex life with your partner? May you just need some extra help in the bedroom and looking to try something new. Why not try some Miss Envy Cannabis Lube? In fact, it isn’t just regular personal lube this is canna sutra lube. And for that reason, it is designed with not only the stoner in mind but specifically the female in mind. While men will still enjoy the effects, it was formulated to help the female orgasm.
Miss Envy Canna Sutra
via Herbal Dispatch
There aren’t too many cannabis lubes out there….yet. But, the Miss Envy cannabis lube is one of the greatest on the market. Miss Envy Botanicals’ is a 100% organic personal lubricant will bring you and partner to higher arousals. Furthermore, this product is perfect for the lady looking to get off. We all know how hard it can be sometimes – but add a little joint and add some cannabis lube and you’ll be ready to seduce!
This cannabis lube created by Miss Envy can be a bit on the watery-oily side but that will help with it spreading evenly across the desirable areas. Plus, this may not get you the same type of high that you are used to with nearly 420 mg of THC it works through glands. Also, cannabis lube can act as edible through the glands – especially when used during oral! While getting elevated during your intimacy may seem overwhelming all your inhibitions will be gone!
Ingredients: Coconut oil, jojoba oil, ylang-ylang oil, lavender oil, THC.
Suggested Use: Apply lubricant to the desired area for comfortable physical intimacy.
Warning: Oil-based lubricants can wear down latex condoms. Be aware of protecting yourself!
Feel Sexy with Cannabis Lube
via Hitched Mag
Boob Ross was totally right… there are all different types of play. From foreplay to the different kink each person may like, having some play is always great for the bedroom. If you are looking to spice things up, Miss Envy can be a fun and non-harmful way to do so. And both you and your partner will feel great after.
Nevertheless, this cannabis lube by Miss Envy is truly a popular item for people. There is even a warning that it may cause MULTIPLE ORGASMS! Are you hearing this ladies? Multiple! In addition, it has other stoned like feelings:
- Intensifying the experience
- Elongating the time
- Warm and tingling sensations
- Prolonging stamina for men
- Stimulation sensation
- Helps with through sleep
- Reduces anxiety and stress
In Our Higher Opinion
Overall, Miss Envy Canna Sutra Lube is fantastic. As a cannabis lube, it acts as a powerful arousal accessory and finishes off with a perfect relaxed high. Boob Ross and Katy don’t seem to be the biggest fans of the smell but that isn’t what it’s about. You can add some coconut oil to the mix to combat the smell if it isn’t for you. It can have a little THC smell but the aromas from essential oils will mix to arouse your nose and other senses. Furthermore, Miss Envy Cannabis Lube is designed especially with the women in mind, which is so rare for sex products. Sex in general. But it benefits both partners involved in any form of sexual relationship – no matter the preference!