Caramel sauce is a great topping over many desserts and sweet dishes. Make a batch up today! If you don’t like smoking marijuana you can make...
This delicious bar cookie features a sweet cannabis butterscotch cashew topping. This recipe is topped with salted cashews and gooey caramel. It is rich, sweet and...
Living in such a tech-forward era comes with many conveniences, including the creation of the vaporizer. Choosing a vaporizer can be particularly difficult for those who...
Rich, famous or just a regular Joe, everyone enjoys smoking weed. Many high-profile people enjoy kicking back and consuming marijuana, same as the rest of us....
While the benefits of cannabis are well known, many might be missing out on the healthy option of drinking cannabis-infused tea. With the new changes in...
It’s time to put those smoking days behind us. Oils are creating a whole new market for infused edibles. When it comes to the ever-growing world...
Comedy and cannabis are a match made in heaven. They’re so good together, you actually have to wonder, which came first? Either way, we are thankful...
It’s definitely that time of year where everyone is getting sick. Especially with all the weird weather occurrences around the globe. Feeling a little sick? Tired?...
Cannabis and music have a long and symbiotic relationship. Music provides a fuller social setting for smoking with others and a better solitary experience when smoking...
Whether you’re a fan of sweets or not, there’s no denying that a classic chocolate cake is probably one of the most popular cake flavors in...
Hey! Perhaps it’s time to actually wipe your face off your computer/tv/phone screen and grab your friends for some fun. We suggest some good ol’ fashioned...